I am so excited to introduce the newest segment on Love on the Homefront! Follower Feature Friday!!! Basically I am going to feature a different woman/man who is in a military relationship. I hope this will help with networking for the individuals who are featured and also, I think it's nice to get to share your story once in a while. Without further a-do our first featured milSO is JO.
"Let us live so that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry." - Mark Twain
Jo is 20-something, and her fiance's name is John. John is in the Navy. Jo & John have been together for 21 months and engaged for 8. Jo is a teacher & her favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird.
Her favorite memory with John was "hugging him for the first time when he came home on R&R from Afghanistan during this current deployment. It was the best feeling to see him, hold him, and know he was safe..."
Their Story in Jo's Words
and I met as members of the trumpet line in our college’s marching
band. We went on one disaster of a date in college but remained friends.
We gradually fell almost out of contact after college when I
accidentally blew off his second attempt at a date. Fast forward a year.
John shipped off to boot camp and randomly, I saw that his brother had
posted his address on Facebook. I wrote John a note. He wrote back.
Letters turned into hours-long phone calls, which (finally) turned into a
date that did not end in disaster!" - Jo
She gives this advice: "Take one day at a time. Don’t think about how much time there’s left in your countdown; just think about how far you’ve come."
When asked to explain why she felt her story with John was unique she said, "I think the sequence of misses, poor communication, and dumb luck in
our story makes it interesting, if not unique. Had I not been on
Facebook at the time John’s brother posted his address, or had the
letter not gotten to John, or had I decided never to write him at all,
our story would never have happened. It’s pretty incredible that the
sequence of events that happened, did."
I've only been communicating with Jo for a little while, but she is amazing and her blog is adorable, please show her some love and let her know how special and how supportive you are of her. Thank you Jo!
I wish Jo & John a very happy life, which I'm sure they will have. Happy Friday loves!