Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Let's play catch up...

Okay. So many things have happened since my last post... let's play a little game of catch up.

1. The blog got a face lift... ya like??

2. Kendall and I went to Disney World! December. Here's some pictures

We had a great time. I'm already anxious for the next trip (:

Baby Clark is due September 20th! I will be doing weekly pregnancy posts starting at my twelfth week. I already feel like it's a boy and that makes me nervous because I feel like I will have a hard time dressing boys. We are very excited. I've only had a bit of morning sickness. Today I had an ultrasound and I saw the baby moving on the screen. It was crazy, baby Clark looked like it was stretching. I was cracking up. If anyone knows of any good pregnancy blogs link them below (:
Here is our social media pregnancy announcement.^^ The only thing I can say that is really driving me crazy is I seem to be getting Restless Leg Syndrome. It makes it so difficult to fall asleep :(

Until next time,

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