So there's those.. and here's a really crazy picture of where the baby was balled up in my belly. It was crazy! I had gotten up to go potty and came back to lay down to this..
Okay so now on to this week!
- How far along?: 20 weeks.
- Milestones: had an u/s today and everything looked perfect & baby is still a boy (:
- Baby is the size of a: banana
- Total weight gain/loss: 17 lbs gained
- The Bump: is here
- Symptoms: None besides my crazy back pain
- Food Cravings: fresh fruit & panera mac & cheese
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: eating too much or not enough
- Sleep: I sleep through the night, but once I wake up for any reason...I'm half asleep for the rest of the time.
- What I miss: Not missing anything currently.
- Weddings Rings On or Off: On
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yep!
- Gender: BOY
- Movement: This guy is moving ALL THE TIME
- Maternity Clothes: a few tops and pants
- Labor Signs: N/A
- Best Moment of the Week: Daddy got to feel a kick.
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: ehhh not much honestly...
Until next time.
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